Can I Round Up My GPA?

Created By : Jatin Gogia

Reviewed By : Rajasekhar Valipishetty

Last Updated : May 22, 2023

We know that you probably have worked very hard to obtain your GPA, and you want to use it to your advantage when putting it on your resume and applying for jobs. But what if the number is just off the mark on a more attractive GPA? Do you have the power to round up your GPA in this case? Find out the answer to this very common question down below!

Will you be able to Round up your GPA?

Whether you want to appear more accomplished to your potential employers, or you want to be eligible for a scholarship, we understand that you want your GPA to be more attractive. But is rounding it up the right thing to do?

Well, even though you might think that it is okay to round up a 2.97 GPA to a 3.0 GPA, it is not ethical sometimes. However, there are certain scenarios in which you can round up your GPA, without it becoming an issue. Keep reading to find out these factors.

Factors to Consider

Here are some of the main rules to remember when you are thinking about rounding up your GPA. Follow these rules to avoid trouble later on.

  • If you have a GPA of 3.79, then you are allowed to round it up to the nearest tenth place, making it 3.8. But, as tempting as it may seem, you cannot round it up to a 4.0 GPA.
  • Do not round up your GPA in a way that changes its letter grade, when converted. For example, you cannot change 2.97 into a 3.0 GPA, because your letter grade changes from C to B. This alteration can cause major trouble in your potential employment, your employer finds out that you changed your grade by yourself.
  • If you earned a GPA of 3.93, you cannot round it up to 4.0. This is because a 4.0 GPA is considered to be the perfect GPA, which is a highly-regarded accomplishment. So, claiming to have a 4.0 GPA, when you did not achieve that exact number, is strongly frowned upon.
  • It is always recommended to write down your original GPA as it is. For example, if your GPA is 3.84, you should always write it as 3.84 if you have the opportunity to write the GPA in two decimal places. You should avoid writing it as 3.8.
  • If you are sure that your employer or scholarship provider will scrutinize your GPA, then it is best not to round up your GPA. This is because if they discover that you have altered the number, then you lose your chance of getting hired or acquiring a scholarship.

Why should you be careful?

You must be extremely cautious while listing down your GPA on your resume or portfolio. If you round up your GPA and pretend that it is something that it is not, then you might come to regret this decision later. Your employer might discover the alteration and this will forever create a mark on your record. Changing your GPA might seem tempting since it might get you an interview or two, but if you get caught, you will be considered unreliable and dishonest. These characteristics make it harder for you to get a job or a scholarship.

What else can you do?

If rounding up your GPA isn’t going to be acceptable or enough for you, then you can try out the following options to make your resume or portfolio more attractive.

  • Remember that your GPA is not the only factor in determining your employment or scholarship offer. Instead, you can try polishing your extra-curricular activities, experiences, and your skills.
  • If you have a GPA that is lower than 3.0, you might want to not mention it at all in the first place. If you do this, then it might not draw negative attention to you, and it will allow your potential employer to focus on your experience and skills instead.
  • You may also mention the GPA that you obtained only for your major, instead of your total GPA.

Even though it may not seem like it now, your GPA will come to have very little influence on your career after a few years of experience.

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FAQs on Can I Round Up My GPA?

1. Can you round up your GPA?

The answer to this question varies. In most circumstances, you should not round up your GPA and you should always try to write it as it is in its true form. But, you are allowed to round it up to the nearest tenth place. For example, a 3.78 GPA can turn into a 3.8 GPA but never a 4.0 GPA.

2. How to round up my GPA?

If you must round it up, you are allowed to do so in the nearest tenth place. If your GPA is 2.67, you can round it up to 2.7.

3. Why should I not round up my GPA?

Well, for one, you can face consequences for altering your GPA. Your potential employer might consider you to be a liar who fabricated your GPA. So, you might not get hired, and you could lose your job.

4. Can I round a 3.95 GPA to 4.0?

Absolutely not. A 4.0 GPA is a highly-acclaimed score, and if you pretend that your GPA is a 4.0 when it isn’t, you could get caught since it is not ethical.


Keep in mind that rounding up your GPA can do more harm than good to your future career, so we do not advise it. However, you can go through the factors that we mentioned and decide when to round up your GPA, and if it is necessary and ethical to do so. Weigh the advantages against the disadvantages and choose wisely.