Created By : Jatin Gogia
Reviewed By : Rajasekhar Valipishetty
Last Updated : Apr 06, 2023
HCF of 3 Numbers Calculator is a handy tool that determines the highest common factor of three numbers within a few seconds. You can make your HCF of 3 numbers calculations easily & get the results accurately by providing the three given numbers in the below input box and click on the Caluclate button.
Ex: HCF of 24, 48, 64 (or) HCF of 16, 56, 12 (or) HCF of 8, 72, 48
Here are some samples of HCF of 3 Numbers calculations.
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HCF of 3 Numbers Calculator: Want to solve the Highest Common Factor of three numbers in a split second without using a pen and book? Then this page is the perfect choice for you. Here, we have provided the handy and online tool ie., HCF of 3 Numbers Calculator that calculates the HCF of three numbers right after entering the inputs. Unlike other tools, our calculator offers detailed steps along with the show work of various methods. Learn & understand about HCF of 3 numbers by referring to the below sections as well.
The abbreviation of HCF is Highest common factor and it is the highest integer that exactly divisible by all given numbers with remainder zero. The denotation for HCF of three numbers like a, b, c is HCF(a, b, c).
How to Find HCF of 3 Numbers Easily?
For finding the highest common factor of three numbers, we have various major approaches which can make your calculations so easy and quick. The list of methods that are used to find the HCF of 3 numbers are given here along with detailed steps and solved examples. Take a look at all the methods of finding the Highest common factor of 3 numbers and use the apt method that fits for your given input integers.
Detailed Steps for Finding HCF of Three Numbers Using Factoring Method
Find the HCF of 80, 45, 32 using Factoring?
Given numbers are 80, 45, 32 and find the factors for each number initially,
The factors of 32 are 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32
The factors of 45 are 1, 3, 5, 9, 15, 45
The factors of 80 are 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 16, 20, 40, 80
Now, list the common factors from each number, there is only one common factor for all three numbers ie., 1.
Thus, HCF(80, 45, 32) is 1.
Highest Common Factor of 3 Numbers by Prime Factorization Method
The steps that are involved in finding the highest common factor of three numbers using prime factorization are listed here:
Find HCF(36, 27, 80) by Prime Factorization?
Given three numbers to find HCF are 36, 27, and 80
Step 1: Find the product of prime factors for each given number.
Prime factors of 36 = 2² × 3²
Prime factors of 27 = 33
Prime factors of 80 = 24 × 5
Step 2: HCF is the product of all common prime factors using the least power of each common prime factor. Here there are no common prime factors for the given numbers.
So, the answer for HCF of three numbers 36, 27, and 80 is 1.
Procedure on HCF of 3 Numbers using Division Method
A Division Method is also one of the best methods to solve the Highest common factor of three numbers. For three numbers, first, we need to calculate the HCF using the division method for two numbers then again HCF of two numbers result and the third number. The steps to find out HCF of two given numbers using the division method are as follows:
Find the HCF of 9, 27, and 48 using the division method?
Given three numbers are 9, 27, 48
Now take two numbers first for finding the HCF of two numbers
Let's first, find out HCF of 9 and 27 by division method,
Thus, HCF of 9 and 27 = 9
Now, find out HCF of 9, 27, and 48
⇒ HCF of [(HCF of 9, 27) and 48]
⇒ HCF of (9, 48)
Apply the division method steps and find out the HCF of 9 and 48
So, the answer for HCF of 9, 27, 48 is 3.
You can also explore various methods to solve the Highest common factor like Euclid's division lemma algorithm by visiting & learn more about LCM, GCF, Factoring, HCF, etc.
1. How do you calculate HCF of 3 numbers using a handy tool?
By using the HCF of 3 Numbers Calculator free online tool, you can easily solve your calculations by giving the three numbers in the input box and clicking on the calculate button. In a fraction of seconds, you will get the exact result of HCF of 3 numbers along with show work.
2. Which website offers a detailed explanation of solving HCF of 3 Numbers using various methods? is an online math solver website that offers a detailed explanation of determining HCF of 3 Numbers using various methods along with solved examples. This can help you all to learn and understand the concept clearly.
3. How to find HCF of 3 Numbers easily?
With the help of the free online tool HCF of 3 Numbers Calculator provided here determines the highest common factor easily & get the results within no time.
4. What is the use of HCF of 3 Numbers Calculator?
Well, you can get a handful of benefits by using the HCF of 3 Numbers Calculator. It helps you solve the calculations very quickly with accurate results and detailed explanation. You can learn the concept behind it by referring to the illustrated steps given on our page.