LCD Calculator

Created By : Jatin Gogia

Reviewed By : Rajasekhar Valipishetty

Last Updated : May 15, 2023

Make use of the LCD Calculator to find the Least Common Denominator and make all your calculations at a faster pace. Just enter the input numbers in the input field and click on the calculate button to avail the results in split second.

Ex: LCD 12, 48, 64 (or) LCD 16, 56, 22 (or) LCD 8, 72, 48

LCD of

Here are some samples of LCD of Numbers calculations.

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LCD Calculator: Are you looking to find the LCD of Fractions, Integers, Mixed Numbers, and don't know how to approach? You have come the right way and we are here to assist you in this. Make use of the user-friendly tool that determines the Least Common Denominator of given inputs in a fraction of seconds. Know all about What Exactly is Least Common Denominator and how to find it. Apart from that, you will also get to know the manual procedure for finding the LCD of the given numbers.

What is meant by LCD(Least Common Denominator)?

Least Common Denominator or in short LCD is the smallest number that is a common denominator for a set of fractions. It is also referred to as the Lowest Common Denominator the lowest number that you can use in the denominator to make a set of fractions equivalent.

How to find LCD of Fractions, Integers, Mixed Numbers?

Go through the following steps to find the Least Common Denominator of Fractions, Integers, Mixed Numbers. They are along the lines

  • The first and foremost step is to convert all integers and mixed numbers to Fractions.
  • Later, find the LCM of Denominators. It is the same as the LCD.
  • Rewrite the Fractions as Equivalent Fractions using the Same LCD obtained.


Find the LCD of 1 1/5, 5/8, 5/4, 3?


Given Inputs are 1 1/5, 5/8, 5/4, 3

Step 1: Convert the Mixed Numbers and Integers to Improper Fractions if necessary

By doing so we get the following fractions

6/5, 5/8, 5/4, 3/1

Step 2: Find the Least Common Multiple of Denominators i.e. 5, 8, 4, 1

LCM(5, 8, 4, 1) = 40

Rewriting Original Inputs as Equivalent Fractions using LCD we get the following

1 1/5 = 6/5 × 8/8 = 48/40

5/8 = 5/8 × 5/5 = 25/40

5/4 = 5/4 × 10/10 = 50/40

3 = 3/1 × 40/40 = 120/40

FAQs on LCD Calculator

1. What does LCD Stand for?

LCD Stands for Least Common Denominator or Lowest Common Denominator.

2. How to find the LCD of numbers using a Calculator?

All you need to do is simply provide the inputs in the input section and click on the calculate button to get result LCD in no time.

3. How to calculate LCD of Numbers?

Convert the input integers and mixed numbers to fractions and find the LCM of Denominators. Rewrite the Input Fractions as Equivalent Fractions by making use of the LCD obtained.

4. Which Website Offers Best Tool to find the Least Common Denominator? is a trusted and genuine site that offers the Best Tool to find the Least Common Denominator along with detailed work.